Περιορισμένα εισιτήρια (15 ευρώ) για μια και μοναδική εμφάνιση στην Ελλάδα!
H προπώληση θα ξεκινήσει την Παρασκευή 11 Οκτωβρίου
στις 14:00 στο Viva.gr!
EL CHAPULIN SOLO (Manu Chao acoustic)
Manu Chao ( voice and guitar)
Luciano Falico (small guitar)
Mauro Mancebo (bongos)
One evening of his new and old music
played acoustic… voice, guitar and bongos …
Sharing a bunch of songs in a closer way… like postcards to
friends …
Words of truth in the River why…
Seeds of freedom, Vida Tómbola, Siberie, Mala Vida…
Manu does not write his songs. He lives them.
He does not write his life. He sings it.
Manu does not sleep. He dreams.
Clandestino whispers…
streets and more streets… lonely avenues
shadows and laughs, sunny funerals,
births and hopes, travels and flights…
Be welcome!